Inspired by the story of the first Duelist Kingdom anime series, Chaos Toon presents new cards for the themes played by Yugi and Pegasus. The first “Chaos” monsters were used by Yugi in his Duels against Mai and Pegasus. The new Chaos Toon cards allow you to find the Toon you want directly from your Deck, as well as introducing new Chaos versions of old monsters, such as The Creator of Chaos and 3 new monsters, including a boss monster that fits perfectly into the strategy Dreamy Mirror and new cards to aid these monsters and summon them. Also in this new collection are Noble Knights and the Pot’s redemption of the great card extravagance used in many competitive decks. But there is even more, in this new collection there are 15 “rare collector’s” cards, never published in Europe.
Expansion content: 60 * cards: 10 ultra rare cards, 15 super rare cards, 35 rare cards
* 15 cards from the expansion are also available as “rare collector”